Diversity Equality Inclusion D.E.I



The same Dark Forces that created Blair/Starmers Labour have put Trump into Power. I’m talking about those elements of Human Nature that are easily manipulated to Create Fear, Anger/Hate, Division leading to CHAOS. I’m studying NAZISM so I know what I mean. xx

The sacred knowledge of whats right and whats wrong is HUMANITY. Love is life. The only DEVIL we have to face is the Dark Side of our Own Human Nature which is INSTINCT. We are spirit so not bound by instinct. We can be FREE TO LOVE if we maintain our HUMANITY and Recognise DECEPTION

Creating global chaos is easier than joining Humanity together in LOVE and FRIENDSHIP. The DARK SIDE of HUMAN NATURE is designed to always have the upper hand in this physical realm and is simply INSTINCT. We couldn’t survive Earth otherwise. Physical/Spirit Worlds run parallel.

Author: Polly

Freelance Researcher/Writer. Researching the nature of Evil, the fabled 'Anti-Christ'. The Politics Of Hate and relationship between the spirit/physical Realm. The truth is not out there, it's within us. In our hearts. xx

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