Diversity Equality Inclusion D.E.I


DEI is the same in the US as in the UK and not what Trump ‘says’ it is. It is only to protect minorities from the abuse they suffer due to being born with characteristics which can never be changed, preyed away, shamed away or ‘cured’ because Human Beings are made diverse. It is NOT positive discrimination which is also a form of discrimination, the clue is in the name. DEI is designed to give some protection against hate and discrimination.

NAZIS like Trump/Musk and their followers use deception to manipulate the definitions of words and meanings to hide the truth. Red Tape is actually Health and Safety legislation which is designed to protect workers from exploitation and was hard won. So called Red Tape is also the legislation that used to protect the Green Belt from being exploited by the rich to the detriment of all others. What the hell is woke? Look up the meaning of ‘WOKE’ for yourself, something stupid people who are anti woke never did so even they are clueless as to what they are against.


That link above tells a tale. Removing DEI will not benefit anyone nor boost profits or even retain customers. Being anti something without realising where it is leading too, not thinking something through practically due to just being triggered by slogans and such like is STUPID. It is why we in the West voted away OUR OWN FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY. Just think on that.

Trump, Farage, Blair, Boris and his successors and Starmer were all democratically elected and yet most people didn’t want them or the resulting loss of Human Rights and subsequent persecution, falling living standards, illegal war’s, Chaos abroad which was designed to cause mass immigration and a refugee crisis, and, not to mention Proxy War and Genocide in the pursuit of profit and eventual economic gain or so they planned. It was us wot done it folks and Freddy Star ate my hamster.

The only people who ‘say’ they care about LGBT people’s Human Rights but want to exclude the T are not sincere about wanting to support LGBT people are they? Hailing the likes of Posey Parker as a Woman’s Rights activist is a bit of a give away don’t you think. Any attack on the rights of any minority is an obvious attack on all Human Rights.

Workers GB are not Socialists, they have the same aims as Reform plc, try and win votes on the back of many years of MSM/NAZI falsehoods and increasingly anti Trans Women propaganda. Socialism does not exclude anyone based on MSM hysteria and stereotyping. Doing so is a RED flag, about as near as Workers GB will ever be to Socialism.

The same Dark Forces that created Blair/Starmers Labour and now Reform PLC have put Trump into Power. I’m talking about those elements of Human Nature that are easily manipulated (by MSM and disingenuous political figures) to Create Fear, Anger/Hate, Division leading to CHAOS. It’s NAZISM or if you prefer ZIONISM/FASCISM/THATCHERISM, All based on creating fear and division which leads to hate and stupidity. Hate and Stupidity is easy to exploit.

The sacred knowledge of whats right and whats wrong is HUMANITY. Love is life. The only DEVIL we have to face is the Dark Side of our Own Human Nature which is INSTINCT. We are spirit so not bound by instinct. We can be FREE TO LOVE if we maintain our HUMANITY and Recognise DECEPTION

Creating global chaos is easier than joining Humanity together in LOVE and FRIENDSHIP. The DARK SIDE of HUMAN NATURE is designed to always have the upper hand in this physical realm and is simply INSTINCT. We couldn’t survive Earth otherwise. Physical/Spirit Worlds run parallel.

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Author: Polly

Freelance Researcher/Writer. Researching the nature of Evil, the fabled 'Anti-Christ'. The Politics Of Hate and relationship between the spirit/physical Realm. The truth is not out there, it's within us. In our hearts. xx

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