When ‘traditional family values’ replace love & unconditional acceptance it becomes an excuse to HATE others who are not willing to accept the social ‘norms’ set by those in authority. Humanity is the individuals knowledge of right and wrong, not the state/religion/dictators beliefs.

The term ‘Hard working Families’ used by those in whom we have entrusted the governance of our nation, is Fascist code for ‘Tax Payer’. It excludes anyone who does not pay income tax. We all pay tax through VAT so even workers who are reliant on motorised transport to get to and from work are are being taxed extra simply because the only work they can find is miles away from home and shift patterns rarely tie in with public transport which is very expensive too.
I suppose what I am saying is that voting or endorsing any government to rule over a nation knowing they are only going to look after ‘hard working families’ a small minority of the nation, is rank stupidity.

I am a trained Freelance Journalist. I trained with International News Syndicate.
I am open, honest, passionate about getting to the truth and passionate about Human Rights, Freedoms including Freedom of Speech/Expression and basic universal Human Rights as described by the United Nations.

Welcome to my little Blog spot. Here you will find a few of my rambling stories, thoughts and a couple of draft articles I was working on in the two weeks leading up to my becoming unemployed. My work was never intended to be made public originally. I just enjoy writing and knowing my writings would never be seen allowed me to be honest. Actually, when I first bought the web space it was because I thought a blog was a kind of diary and my old one from WH Smiths had ended in July. I couldn’t find a replacement. I think they stopped producing July to July diaries. It must have been a marketing thing, theirs being the only diary available that can be bought in the middle of the year. Anyway that’s why I got started with a blog. It took about two years before I figured out how to use it though so I had to make do with a hard back exercise book and use that as a journal and diary haha. xx

I am a Freelance Investigator and writer with a very strong social conscience. I am interested in spiritual affairs and the mysteries of life. I am also interested in Human development, history, evolution, physics, geology, archaeology and the beliefs of our distant ancestors.

I find politics a depressing subject but I am investigating the true nature of democracy and how various regimes including the UK Tory/Labour double act thrive on sowing hate and division and the reasons behind their survival. I am studying the period between The Winter Of Discontent to the present day. It is very depressing as I have to study the nature of Love and Hate, propaganda and Fascism. U.S./U.K. imperialism, the story of Oil, ‘Slow Burn Invasions’ of Europe by the U.S., sowing chaos, fear and division as a means of control and some other depressing subjects.

‘Regime of Fear/Hostile Environment’, ‘Nature of the BEAST’ are a couple of titles I am working on. It’s a good start, two catchy titles. I will start on a bit of content sometime soon haha.

Starmer posing for photo’s at Auschwitz is a stomach churning Goebbelesque Nazi propaganda message and clearly denies the latest genocide is the same Holocaust in a different place and time. NAZISM was never defeated but has spread and now controls Western countries and Israel. It is the very nature of the Beast which drives NAZISM/ZIONISM/CONSERVATISM/THATCHERISM so many names for the same devotion to the false God which is the Dark Side of our own HUMAN NATURE. The BEAST WE MUST ALL FACE.

Take care,
Lots of love,
Pauline. xx