The Nature of The Beast

The Dark Side of Human Nature is the BEAST we ALL MUST FACE.

NAZISM is an ultra authoritarianist cult based on manipulating and harnessing the very real power of the Dark Side of Human Nature to create chaos and disharmony. They are a cult, they do have a God but it’s the God of the Old Testament (HUMAN NATURE). Jesus warned against it.

All NAZIS in the west need to complete the job of creating the Fourth Reich are a hand full of well placed NAZIS in Western government and MSM. They’ve played the long game since the end of the Third Reich. Trump/Starmer’s roots can be traced back via ZIONISM to 1930’s NAZISM.

Once a liar always a liar my Dad used to say. Get caught in a lie and forever be KNOWN as a liar.

His saying also says a lot about Human Beings and the way their individual reality on Earth can be altered by MSM when you know how, as Hitler and others like him knew.

It’s part of Human Nature to try and alter the World by wishful thinking and ignoring your own innate sense of right and wrong. MSM Propagandists only have one aim, to instill fear and a sense that ‘something has to be done but nobody does anything’ it leads to anger and hate.

Daily doses of fear and a sense of doom and hopelessness because you feel you have to fight back but can’t do anything about whatever it is you are told is the cause leads to anger which can turn to ‘blind hate and rage’. You become RADICALISED.

Love is life, our own innate sense of right and wrong is our Humanity. We all have to do what’s right according to our Humanity. The more we ignore Humanity and listen to MSM/Governments version of logic and truth the harder it is to do what we know in our hearts is the right thing to do.

Truth is in our hearts from birth. We are all born from the same spirit and the whole of Creation is within each of us until we give up our Humanity. The only enemy of Humanity is the deception that strips away Humanity and love from our hearts. Evolution of Spirit is our purpose and sacred birthright.

Deception comes from the dark side of our own Human Nature which is known as the Great Deceiver, Satan, AntiChrist but is really the physical nature of this Earthly realm and can be thought of as instinct (not intuition, instinct is the natural guiding force of nature which is the spirit element of the natural physical world. Intuition is the connection to our true selves which is outside of time and space). xx

Please bear in mind, I use this space to ‘see’ my thoughts as they come to me. For instance, it’s after 4am and I felt I had to get up as something, not sure what, was troubling me. I feel I must make progress on the book I need to produce and sometimes my dreams tell me to get on with it. I had a nervous breakdown a couple of years ago when the Job Centre tried to force me to go against my own sacred knowledge of right and wrong and am struggling to cope with life. My meds help but my problem is spiritual not physical.

I believe the whole of Creation is within each of us therefore there can never be any secrets in the whole of Creation. The Spirit and Physical realms run parallel, sort of. There is no way to explain anything at all about the Spirit whilst we are here in this Earthly realm because language and thought are of this physical world although when we communicate with each other we do so in spirit at the same time as with the physical tools, language and writing etc. This is why poetry is known (by me at least) as a thing of the soul as all the arts are. The arts speak to our spirit. That’s the nearest I can get to explaining the arts lol.

I feel I can go back to bed now. I did think my boyfriend had gone off me, long story, we are true life partners though and my state of mind jumped straight to that one when I felt the need to get up over an hour ago. Below is something I wrote the other day when I had troubled thoughts. I will pull everything together soon and do the thing I feel I have to do. It won’t take long once I get going. It’s a spirit thing so not possible to explain.

I didn’t go back to bed so the thing I wrote the other day when I had troubled thoughts is below the next bit haha, it’s the stuff I wrote about the monarchy. I am actually a socialist by nature so supporting the monarchy is out of step with most other socialist thinkers but never mind. My reasons would take ages to explain and I am very tired and looking forward to some proper relaxing sleep. Looking at the time 5:43 it will have to be a power nap as it’s nearly time to get up haha. xx

I just remembered, Years ago I used to be woken by someone banging on the front door. Bang bang bang then nothing, I knew it was both real and unreal and only I ever heard the banging. It was not a dream and it didn’t happen very often but It was always at 3am when it did happen. Then instead of banging, on occasion, I felt fear come over me and felt an evil presence in the room even as I slept and it seemed to take ages to wake myself up. When I did awaken there did seem to be a presence in the room, like a shadow even though it was very dark. That was scary and took ages for my heart to calm down. The shadow presence took a while to fade as well, I felt as though I had to fight it off and in my mind or soul asked the Creator for help. When I asked for help I realised whatever the presence was it was not ‘evil’ as such but very scary because I am physically in this realm. There are things that maybe I should write about now as in soon not literally now, things and events that happened when I was five years old. Spirit things but I don’t know where to start. I should just explain what happened, my thoughts and state of mind at the time.

Between the age of 3 and 5 I became fully aware of who I am and although I remember those years vividly now it was so traumatic that I managed to hide those memories from myself. I only regained the memories in 2019 around the time of my 60th anniversary of being born but it is a very very long story and will be painful to tell. When I found those hidden memories I found several others, memories of very traumatic events from years ago when I was in the armed forces. I can remember how I made myself forget, I knew I had done it before. I just couldn’t cope at the time and one of the memories was so horrific that I won’t even hint at what happened for fear of passing on the dreadful nightmare to others. I wish it was a nightmare but it happened and I can cope now although don’t like it being replayed in my mind.

Only the King can sack the Government and restore democracy. I wonder if the UN will charge the King as head of State for the war crimes of HIS government. I feel sorry for the King actually, in theory he could sack the government and appoint a new one but of course he can’t do that in reality. As an ex Captain of a ship in the Navy he must be sickened by the genocide. He is the captain of our nation but where does the buck stop? Will he be able to go to the grave with a clear conscience.

The Monarch is not a political leader but he is a spiritual leader. Not a religious leader but he does represent the spirit of the British nation in all it’s diversity. He may be the key that unlocks the door to freedom one day. I rambled on a bit, just wanted to share the thought that the government is the physical rule of law but the Monarch represents our Humanity which is in our hearts not our heads and is our sacred knowledge of good and evil which the book of Genesis talked about.

Human Beings are both physical and spirit but when we go against our Humanity we lose that Humanity. The Dark side of our Human Nature which is instinct then has a free reign to cause chaos on Earth. It’s nothing new though, the dark side of our Human Nature is what gives physical leaders the power to claw their way to the top. That’s why I think the monarchy should be hereditary. I will stop there haha, no body will take any notice of this anyway. xx

Author: Polly

Freelance Researcher/Writer. Researching the nature of Evil, the fabled 'Anti-Christ'. The Politics Of Hate and relationship between the spirit/physical Realm. The truth is not out there, it's within us. In our hearts. xx

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